I tried some git clients, I read loads tutorials. Now I am going to write about simpliest and easiest way to commit, pull, push and clone code files using Git respository and particularly GitHub.com.
I tryed these 4:
Cygwin + git + ssh. It worked. But Its console based.
msysgit + putty stuff. Partly worked. Issue with ssh certificates
TortoiseGit - Tortoise didnt work for me too. Only clone function.
GitExtensions - It's using msysgit + Kdiff external programs. Its GUI based interface. But I couldn't make it work.
After these trials. I removed all software. Deleted all folders and C:\users\username\.ssh folder where rsa keys are stored.
The simpliest and easiest Git Client for Windows is SmartGit. No need of Putty or other certificate manager. Clean and fast Git client for Windows. No need to be geek, bash-ssh-git guru to use github. Nice GUI with user-friendly interface.
Install msysgit.
Install SmartGit
After installation set git path:
It has integrated support for Github, Beanstalk, CodeBase, Unfuddle hosting providers. So you just have to put your account name and password, and you can access all your respositories.
For SSH Client choose use SmartGit as SSH client:
Its stand-alone application, no explorer integration. But its fully functional Git client. When you use it for first time clonning or pushing code - it will ask you to accept certificate.After that its very easy to work with your local and remote code.
Clonning git respository
Click Project menu and Clone
Paste the github link in Respository URL box and click Next
Choose where you want to store the source on your local computer and click Next
Click Finish and your will see the content of the Git respository
Thanks for reading.